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e.g. Aspergillus sparsus Absidia corymbifera Aleurodiscus gabonicus
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{{allfungalsummary.currentSpeciesNames}} {{allfungalsummary.genusNames}} {{allfungalsummary.orderNames}} {{allfungalsummary.phylumNames}} {{allfungalsummary.typification}} {{allfungalsummary.genusInfragenericNames}} {{allfungalsummary.suborderNames}} {{allfungalsummary.subphylumNames}} {{allfungalsummary.speciesNames}} {{allfungalsummary.familyNames}} {{allfungalsummary.classNames}} {{allfungalsummary.regnumNames}} {{allfungalsummary.speciesInfragenericNames}} {{allfungalsummary.familyInfragenericNames}} {{allfungalsummary.subclassNames}} {{allfungalsummary.subregnumNames}}

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Identifier... Taxon name Rank Year... Family Name Status* Current Name
{{item.recordNumber}} {{item.queryname}} {{item.infraspecificRank}} {{item.yearOfPublication}} {{item.family_name}} {{item.name_status}} {{item.currentName}}

* Notes

Synonym: One of two or more names that apply to the same taxon (see heterotypic synonym, homotypic synonym).
Orthographic variant: Various spelling, compounding, and inflectional forms of a name or its final epithet when only one nomenclatural type is involved (Art. 61.2)
Isonym: The same name based on the same type, published independently at different times perhaps by different authors. Note: only the earliest isonym has nomenclatural status (Art. 6 Note 2; but see Art. 14.14).
Blank: There is no taxonomic opinion available.

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